Mp3 Download song Reba West We Will Win FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Reba West song lyrics

Reba West - We Will Win Lyrics

Life is only what we choose to make it.
Let's just take it,
Let us be free.
We can find the glory we all dream of.
And with our love, we can win.

(Refrain) Still, we must fight or face defeat.
We must stand tall and not retreat.
With our strength we'll find the might.
There's no fight we can't fight together,
All together,
We can win.

Blessed with strong hearts that beat as one,
Watch us soar.
And with love that conquers all
We'll win this battle, this last battle.
We will win... We must win...
We will win... We can win...
We can win...

As the battle goes on we feel stronger.
How much longer
Must this go on?
Each and every day we dream of winning
and beginning a new life.

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